Aku dok browse tengok barang2 AVENT. ada pulak yang sales sana sini. So sesiapa yang interested sila email aku ye? :D
The Avent ISIS Out & About Set contains everything you need to maintain your milk supply and to express and store your breast milk when away from your baby.
So if you need to leave your baby for a few hours or even for the whole day, you can transport your milk home safely in the discreet stylish microfibre bag.
With the help of frozen cool packs, milk will stay cool for up to 6 hours.
Pack includes:
* ISIS Manual Breast Pump with Sterile Travel Covers
* Microfibre Insulated Shoulder Bag
* 2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (125ml/4oz)
* 2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (260ml/9oz)
* 2 Newborn Teats
* 2 Dome Caps
* 2 Flexible Cool Packs
* 8 ULTRA Comfort Disposable Breast Pads
* Drawstring Storage Bag (great for beach, etc)
The Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump naturally imitates baby's suckling action and with its unique Let-Down Massage Cushion comfortably stimulates milk flow. The Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump is easy to use and assemble
* Clinically proven as effective as hospital pumps**
Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump Includes
* 1 x 125ml/4oz Philips AVENT Bottle
* 1 x Teat Travel Pack
* 1 x sealing disc
* 20 x Philips AVENT Breast pads
Product information
* Bottles designed to work with baby's natural feeding action so baby controls milk flow, similar to breastfeeding
* Clinically proven to reduce colic
* BPA free - this product does not contain Bisphenol A
err.. kalau korang nak mintak aku tengokkan apa2 lagi brand lain, just let me know. mana tau murah banyak dari malaysia.
sekian. :D
The Avent ISIS Out & About Set contains everything you need to maintain your milk supply and to express and store your breast milk when away from your baby.
So if you need to leave your baby for a few hours or even for the whole day, you can transport your milk home safely in the discreet stylish microfibre bag.
With the help of frozen cool packs, milk will stay cool for up to 6 hours.
Pack includes:
* ISIS Manual Breast Pump with Sterile Travel Covers
* Microfibre Insulated Shoulder Bag
* 2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (125ml/4oz)
* 2 Milk Storage Bottles with Sealing Discs (260ml/9oz)
* 2 Newborn Teats
* 2 Dome Caps
* 2 Flexible Cool Packs
* 8 ULTRA Comfort Disposable Breast Pads
* Drawstring Storage Bag (great for beach, etc)
The Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump naturally imitates baby's suckling action and with its unique Let-Down Massage Cushion comfortably stimulates milk flow. The Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump is easy to use and assemble
* Clinically proven as effective as hospital pumps**
Philips AVENT Manual Breast Pump Includes
* 1 x 125ml/4oz Philips AVENT Bottle
* 1 x Teat Travel Pack
* 1 x sealing disc
* 20 x Philips AVENT Breast pads
NEW Philips AVENT BPA-free bottle 260ml/9oz - 4pk

* Bottles designed to work with baby's natural feeding action so baby controls milk flow, similar to breastfeeding
* Clinically proven to reduce colic
* BPA free - this product does not contain Bisphenol A
err.. kalau korang nak mintak aku tengokkan apa2 lagi brand lain, just let me know. mana tau murah banyak dari malaysia.
sekian. :D
wah2... kak ana... skrg ada botol avent yg yellowish color kan?
*berkira-kira untuk membeli hehehehehe*
if boleh, tolong carikan leappad or leapfrog!
wahhh galak berkhidmat masyarakat ye kak.. bagus bagusss...
yang tak tahan siap ada 62 sen kat belakang tu.. bundarkan ajala kak oi hehehe...
kalo nak pesan tepung roti putih yg unbleached tu boleh?? haha.. sini susah cari. kalo ada kat kedai2 mcm cold storage aja.. and u know la the pricekan.. mahal!! (around RM15 untuk 1.5 kg). kat bake with yen ada jual high protein aja. tapi saya kurang yakin la sebab dia repack tepung2 tu (maybe dia beli seguni besar) so saya mempunyai perasaan bahawa tepung itu tidak 100% high protein tetapi dicampur dengan tepung biasa haha. boleh tak ada perasaan begitu? :P
teringat aku zaman hang ulang alik pi s'pore yg aku minta tgk rege kat s'pore tuh
tapi tak a la aku dah tak perah susu kakakaka
Kak, sana buku-buku untuk baby dan kanak-kanak murah2 dan bagus-bagus tak? Educational toys ke?
adoi hai. tak tau la apasal rasa nk berdekah2 aje tengok khidmat masyarakat ni. kahkahkah!
knv, benda2 macam ni kan, dia ada law of attraction tau. don't be surprised tetiba arina bukan lagi adik yg bongsu. kahkahkah! :P
errrr. medela freestyle takde? kahkahkah! (saja nk join CIB's club) :P
stroller murah? ngeee
perfume mesti murah kan beb
pe kata war war skit
salam ingatan untuk sis.
bila nak balik mesia? nak kirim perfume. hehe...
korang, kalau nak aku tengokkan nanti bagi specific details on item tu ek? boleh aje aku nak pi usha-usha.
kat sini kalau depa sales memang turun banyak jugak. sampai naik juling mata dok belek2 barang hihihi.
yang avent ni aku dah check dengan price msia, memang banyak kurangnya.
mana tau ada yang nak buat stok for later2? hihihihiihi :P
kalau ada kesempatan buleh tengokkan medela freestyle? kat sini harga paling murah yg boleh dpt 1.7K...
thanks kak...
mio dan laila,
medela freestyle boleh dapat dalam 1100-1200 gitu. :D
berapa guni hang nak? hahahah! dia lagi banyak lagi mahal. tapi kalau for UNBLEACHED BREAD FLOUR memang mahal dari unbleanced white flour.
A-P-A? murah gilos freestyle itu!!
kak, bilakah sale itu tamat?
balik ini jugak sy akan berbincang dgn pihak berwajib a.k.a pasangan hidupku utk mendapatkan suntikan modal. kahkahkah!
sales tu insyaallah ada aje kot. maksudnya kalau kedai ni tak sales, kedai lain ada sales. kena pandai cari. tapi i think normal price pun won't go more than rm1500.
haa.. gud luck ye buat pembentangan kat boss hhahhaha :P
wehh kalu morah gitu hang beli la 10 wehh balik jual sini
hang jual balik reger 1.5k pun dah cukup hahahahahhaaaa
wehh kalu morah gitu hang beli la 10 wehh balik jual sini
hang jual balik reger 1.5k pun dah cukup hahahahahhaaaa
ampass 2 kali komen aku masuk ceh ceh
beli le bebanyak balik kang jd saudagar
fid yang baik? :P
ish aku mana ada cash bebanyak gitu. belikan untuk orang buleh laaa.. :P
stroller apa hang nak? maclaren? meh bagi brand nanti akak usha2kan..
madib, pau,
perfume brand apa tu? bak mai details.
buku semua tu memang amatlah murahhsssssss! just let me know yang mana satu pilihan hati. confirm lagi murah dari msia. :D
knv, voley ekk? tp tgk website maclaren takder plak tulis sale. ahkak tak tau nak surf kat mana...kak, tgk kan Techno XT @ Quest Sport. thanks ekk. gateyyynya haku
techno XT ~ rm950-rm1000
quest sport ~ rm700-rm750
tapi depends on colour jugak. tak semua ada stok.
apa kata balik meniaga weh
hang usha sama baby sling mei tai bagai ada murah beli balik jual sini kakaka
akak tlg tgokkan harga maclaren xlr bulih?... tp klau tgok harga xt tu mcm lbh kurg je ngan rege msia ek time sale 10-20%...
jersey/tshirt bola kat sana murah ke kak? klau kat msia jersey arsenal nike tu dlm 285 kot.... and tshirt dlm 90 gitu...
avent tu mcm menarik tapi tak plan nk pkai avent.. nak beli spectra3 je...
tgok harga2 akak siap ada sen2 tu tergelak kejap... :)
thnaks alot kak.. tk care
err.. murahnyee.... dpt jimat 500 tu amat berbaloi2.... nti sy email akak...:)
techno xlr dalam rm1.2k-1.3k gitu. malaysia berapa?
jersey nanti akak usha2.
no worries. hopefully that price valid lama la :D
mei tai tu dalam 200++ starts. tu brand UK ke tu? aku ingat Chinese. :P
Salam kak ana,
saya berminat ngan product avent nih, package yg breast pump c/w bag..bape total barang + shipping??..bape lame amik masa tuk di pos ke malaysia terchenta??..
assalammualaikum zaihah,
for avent isis out and about, RM310 inclusive delivery within klang, shah alam and kl.
anything just email me ana_miraa@yahoo.com
delivery on Sept ekkk..huhuhuhu..tak sempat..next time sy order ngan akak yekk..
delivery on Sept ekkk..huhuhuhu..tak sempat..next time sy order ngan akak yekk..
delivery on Sept ekkk..huhuhuhu..tak sempat..next time sy order ngan akak yekk..
delivery on Sept ekkk..huhuhuhu..tak sempat..next time sy order ngan akak yekk..
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