NEW Argos Value Range Breadmaker
* 12 programmes.
* 3 crust settings.
* 58 mins fast bake time.
* Bread sizes 1.5lb and 2lb.
* Suitable for making jam and cakes.
* Add ingredients signal.
* Keep warm function.
* Viewing window.
* Cool touch.
* Cord storage.
* Non-slip feet.
Customer reviews & ratings (32)
Overall Rating 4.5 of 5
"Wanted a cheap breadmaker to make both regular and gluten free loaves and this one seems to fit the bill! All the regular wholemeal breads I've tried in it are great (I didn't use the little book it came with after reading the other comments, just the one on the side of the bag of flour). I've had mixed results with the gluten-free ones, but I think that's more to do with trial and error with the recipes than the machine itself (one thing I have learned is to set the crust setting to the darkest possible, as the gluten-free breads tend to need a little more time). A cinch to use and clean though - and I love how quiet it is. Doesn't take up too much space on my counter either. Very pleased with this purchase and would recommend to anyone."
"an excellent basic breadmaker that does exactly what expensive ones do but at a fraction of the cost"
"I bought this for my sis-in-law and it's lovely. Although my brother has took over the 'baking'. All I will say is that it is different from hand baking.... you need to follow the instructions and keep to the recipes. The bruv was using full satchets of yeast instead of measuring it in the supplied measurer, hence a couple of odd looking loaves. BUT... I have put him right and now...... BEAUTIFUL LOAVES. If you haven't got one...... WHY NOT ? get one !! -x-"
"Made great bread the very first time I tried it. There are a variety of recipes and I have done 6 so far and all were great. The price is reasonable and is worth every penny. I would recommend this breadmaker to anyone."
"Very impressed with this breadmaker. Its a really good price and it made excellent bread everytime and it was really easy to use. Would recommend to anyone. The quick setting only applies to a certain type of bread though so you can't do all bread on the quick setting. A normal white loaf takes slightly over 3 hours but it is v tasty."
"from the first loaf i made its been great, easy to use, lovely different types of bread can be made, fantastic price"
NEW Bread Maker KENWOOD BM250

(Malaysia Retail Price ~ RM499 ~ pls double check)
Making simple everyday bread couldn't be easier, add the ingredients, select the program, enjoy your bread!
Large, medium or small loaves can be prepared by simply selecting 500g, 750g or 1kg from the menu.
Select from the 12 programs, baking bread to suit your tastes, daily bread or something more special can be achieved easily
* Colour: White
* Material : Metal Body and Plastic Lid
* Capacity: 500g, 750g, 1kg
* Wattage: 480w
* Delay Timer: 15 Hours
* Keep Warm: 1 Hour
* Lid: Removable
* Coolwall: No
* Recipe Book : Yes
* Size (cm): 31H x 34.5W x 25D * Weight: 6.3kg
Limited Offer until 30th June 2010... with purchase of KENWOOD BM250 only
FOC: Bread loaf guide for slicing (worth RM25)
FOC: Bread loaf guide for slicing (worth RM25)
Delivery: Before Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2010
Please take note that the price is covering the exchange rates, bank transfer charges, shipping and packaging from the UK to Malaysia.
Genuine buyer only. Complete payment to be transferred to a CIMB account (to be advised if applicable).
(p/s: model Kenwood BM250 tu sama dengan yang KS guna. actually ada lagi dua tiga brand yang top di UK, tapi rasanya takdak kat Malaysia kot. kenwood so far tidak mengecewakan. for any enquiry can email me direct
waah, pandaila knv punya marketing strategy, dah banyak minggu terliur tgk roti bun kaknon tiba2 boleh order bm sendiri!
saya memang dah lama nak tanya pasal bm knv ni, knv punya brand apa, berapa watt dan sekali dough cycle dia berapa lama? sejam ada? tq
nanti saya nak balik saya pun nak buat khidmat masyarakat la
hahahah.. doc,
why not? ramai jugak yang tanya. mine is bifinett. lama punya model from europe. resipe book pun takdak. pandai2 la ngadun sendiri.
btw each BM ada resipe book sendiri actually, specific to each BM.
selamat berkhidmat masyarakat hahahahah :P
oh about the cycle, kalau dough setting sahaja about 1hr 30 mins. kalau baking fresh bread about 3hr campur masa bakar sekali.
wahhh...caya lah kak non!!! akak mmg best lagi voks... kalo saya x beli lg gerenti saya order sebijik... :)
ni sbb akak dok post entry roti mmbuatkan saya teruja nk try BM...jd mau tanya la...
1) antara 1st n 2nd BM which one u prefer for beginner...which one also yg friendly use? sy nk bg mama...jd kna la cr yg sng nk handle....akak prefer yg mn???
2) harga sekali dgn shipping ker??? kalo x skali area KL brape bpe cost deliverynye??
yo lah tu... hahahahha voks jgn tak voks hahahha! beli la dua bijik lagi. bagi sedara mara gittewwww :P
miss ikan
thanks for asking! :D
1) actually both pun similar cara penggunaan dia. honestly, akak letak dua ni mostly sebab nak bagi harga alternatif. yang BM argos tu memang good value for money. ramai yang first timer kata memang friendly dan hasilnya memuaskan. cuma manual instruction dan resipe book memang in english la. no problem kan? usually kalau UK version memang measurement dalam non-metrik la. banyak guna measurement cup ataupun lb. ini semua boleh convert ke metric.
yang kenwood pulak, surely memang international market la. tapi dua2 pun ada the same 12 functions tu. kiranya apa yang kenwood boleh buat, argos pun buleh buat jugak. actually dua-dua pun comes with different recipe book specific for each model.
should be ok to follow lah.
yang plus point kenwood, ialah kalau rosak ke apa ke (which is quite unlikely sebab BM ni kita tak guna lasak pun), boleh hantar repair ke kenwood malaysia.
but then again, BM ni payah nak rosak kalau tak damaged yang teruk. insyaallah pulun every alternate day pun ok.
hope that answers your question.
2) harga sekali dengan shipping within KL, klang dan shah alam. luar kawasan ni baru akak charge extra.
Thank YOU.
MENARIK!!!! before aidilfitri tu bila? before u come back or when u come back?
Register Twitter!!!!! :P
baru 1st time dgr psl bread maker. means kita buat sdiri roti la?apa ingredients dia ye?just rasa klu easy blh gak beli n buat roti sdiri.
knv... saya berminat!!!! tp tgh musykil mau order yg mana. yg 1st mmg suit my budget! yg 2nd... mmg brand tak leh dipertikaikan... adik saya beli kenwood kat sini yes its 499!
Kak nonnnnn!! Ini tidak adil!!!! Kenapa time sya beli depa tak kasik bread slicer??? Nak jugakkkkk!!! Haihhh...dah le
lagik murah, dapat bread slicer... Sapa yg tak beli mmg rugi oooo... Sapa yg dah beli awal2 kat mesia pon rugi jugak hahahaha... Hahahahah hahahah (meroyan sebab beli mahal n tak dpat bread slicer hahaahah)
WOW! nak! nak! nak!
*jap, nk buat sesi muhasabah mana satu idaman kalbu - tp yg ada bread slicer tu macam best, oh pasni sy bleh jadi bread supplier di kejiranan la. kahkahkah!
eh kak, BM ni dua2 brand dia uli dlm tu pastu terus bakar dalam tu jugak, kan? takyah kuarkan pastu masuk dalam oven lain, kan?
akak interested... nak yg mcm knv gak... so nnt akak email ya... tq dear ;-)
kalau beli kat carboot aci tak? :P
Aku teringin gak nak beli..cumanya..senang ke nak cari bahan2 buat roti tu nnt kat Malaysia ni..hehehehhe
kak *meleset2*, ehehehe...bila tarikh last terima payment. hujung bulan ni bleh ker?
kak...aci2...u really answer it well....i want it...will msg u through ur email...hope mama happy for her new BM...maka makan roti la sy hari2...nyum3....
Kak, soalan saya sama macam m-i-o, ms lola dan mommysarah. Tgh kira-kira nak pecah tabung Sofiy ni.wakakaka.
wahahahahhaa... ramai yg nak beli... mak sukak... mak sukak...
answer for bib.. kt m'sia bhn2 setakat nih senang je dpt kat hypermarket, tesco giant..etc
i'll be back mid ramadhan. :D
twitter registereddddd! :P
ms anon
ye beli ingredients macam tepung roti, yeast, telur, etc dan buat roti sendiri. you can check my entry labeled 'masak-masak' for details. kalau setakat white loaf roti sandwich tu memang BM akan terus bakar dalam tu. tak payah bawak keluar untuk bakar dalam separate oven. tapi kalau sosej bun, donut, etc, lepas BM uli, kena keluarkan dan shape sendiri kat luar, pastu baru masuk oven lain untuk bakar.
resipe banyak saya tempek kat entry saya.
hope this helps.
fuhhhh....koing koing koing (tgh cek2 duit lebih bawah tikar / karpet / kusi / meja.... :p
ok akak dapat dah email. nanti akak bagi all payment details. thanks! :D
nanti akak bagik souvenier kat hang bread guide tu ye? :D bagus gak hang beli dulu, at least ada gak barang nak compare hahahha.. aci tak alasan gitu? :P
dua-dua pun sama. loaf sebijik tu memang boleh bakar dalam terus. cuma kalau nak buat sosej bun, sardin bun, donut, etc, memang kena bawak keluar dan shapekan asing2 pastu baru bakar.
you will love it!
akak ratu
ok no worries. later just email me, ye? thanks! :D
oh yang used pun ada kat carboot. boleh sajork! :P
bahan asas tepung roti, yeast, telur je kot. rasanya semuanya readily available, insyaallah. :D
yep end this month would be ideal. :D
miss ikan
no worries. nanti email me to confirm ek? thanks.
no worries. hujung bulan is fine with me. :D sampei kena pecah tabung nampak? hahahahha over sungguh hang! alaa... bukan beribu punggg :P
akak pun sukak! :P tulah rasa ingredient takdak hal nak carik kan?
sila kumpul ye? hahahahha :P
dari gambar yg no.i nampak menarik tapi dari segi brand percaya kenwood lagi..huhu dilema..
akak,..bila due date amik order n payment..nak budget ni...somemore sy kat penang
kalau boleh akak nak finalized by end this month. sebab kalau banyak order akak nak kena allocate space dalam kontenna nanti. kotak boleh tahan jugak size dia.
penang yea? takde sedara mara kat kl? akak honestly takdak idea freight charges KL-penang.
tapi itu later boleh tanya la.
serius?? time kasihla byk2 akak!!! akan ku tunggu hahaha.. akak jgn tak bagi saya tuntuttt nanti hahahahah.. alang2 nak bagi, kasik skali dengan pisau dan seketul roti hahaha..
nampak sangat aku tak round bhgn buat2 kuih kan..kakakkakakka...okeh...tgh korek2 kat akaun mana nih..heheheh harus aku wat duit masa tgh2 pantang..cover balik duit BM nih..kekekekke
you've got mail ;)
(jgn lupa invite aku, da 5 jota kali aku pesan nih)
dah.. dah.. aku dah reply pun. efficient sungguh aku kan? hahahahhaha!
kak non,
takde option untuk bayar 2-3 kali ke? kehkehkeh. kalau ada, haruslah ku sambar jugak :)
nak...nak....nak..... kenwood....
tak dapat la deknon. cash akak cukup2 makan. kami kat sini, cash-less hihihihihi :P
aku dah book untuk hang. no worries.
saya nak, tapi belum decide which. nnt saya email soon..
no worries. later just email me. thanks.
Salam, saya nak berminat
knv... boleh saya book satu ngan akak... yg kenwood... nanti saya email...
nanti akak reply email. hari ni sibuk sikit banyak majlis sana sini.
Kak non,
saya dah survey latest price kenwood tu kat sini, smlm at rm529 tu..huhu..
akak, kalau lmbat sikit dari 30hb tkbley gaji clear lambat sikit la, dlm 1-2 hb gitewww..
kena koreks2 tabung anak dgn bapak sekali nie..hehe
boleh la dalam 2 july tu. asal confirm sudah. :D
salam kak,
nak order BM kenwood tu blh lg ker?plzzzz...tq
nanti email akak
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