atau, berhenti promoting to the same set of people.
don't over promote to the same group of people or be prepared to be beaten the shit out of you.
maksud aku, give people time to breathe. some space before making up their mind. takyah la dok bertunggu tangga menempel depan rumah orang yang sama. pergi cari orang baru, rumah baru.
you must know when to stop talking already; especially when people get you very loud and clear. belajarlah ilmu advertising. sales is an emotional process. kalau client tengok muka ko pun dah naik meluat, ko ingat depa nak beli barang dari ko? kirim salam. sori naik lori.
bijaksana lah sikit. if you really want to do sales, really serious about it, then by all means, please go and learn ilmu2 nak berniaga ni. as i said before, it's not an easy thing doing sales, but it's not impossible lansung pun. but you have to learn, ok? buat apa2 pun kena ada ilmu. baru tak tersasar jauh.
ok i'm tired being harrased actually. don't listen to me rambling. selamat maju jaya kepada semua.
hmmm. very very true.
sy tak pernah lagi kena approach dgn org jual TS. kehkehkeh. tapi klo salesman grolier tu paling membencikan. tak bolehke kalo tak mengekor vontot orang? rimas tau tak, rimas!
elok2 orang nak beli, tak jadi beli. haaa, kan dah rugi, tu? sikit2 dah la. klo orang interested, dia mesti contact balik punye.
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